Input argument reference

CGM inputs arguments


Add the -h to the command (e.g. pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM1.0 Calibration -h) to know the input arguments of the CGM1.0 calibration process ( replace CGM1.0 for other CGM )

example 1

pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM1.0 Calibration -l 0 -r 1 -md 16 --check


pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM1.0 Calibration --leftFlatFoot 0 --rightFlatFoot 1 --markerDiameter 16 --check

=> disable the left flat foot option, keep enable the right flat foot option, use 16mm marker diameter and add the suffix _cgm1 to model ouputs

example 2

pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.1 Calibration -forceLHJC 30 50 60

=> position the left hip joint centre relative to the pelvic coordinate system with the coodinates 30 50 and 60

This table resumes all available arguments across CGM

CGMlong optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
CGM1.0+--leftFlatFoot-lintLeft flat foot option
CGM1.0+--rightFlatFoot-rintRight flat foot option
CGM1.0+--headFlat-hfintHead flat option
CGM1.0+--markerDiameter-mdfloatMarker diameter
CGM1.0+--pointSuffix-psstrSuffix of the model outputs
CGM1.0+--checkForce cgm version as model output suffix
CGM1.0+--resetMPReset the optional anthropometric parameters
CGM1.0+--forceMPForce the use of the MP offsets to compute knee and ankle joint centres
CGM1.0+--anomalyException-aeRaise an exception if an anomaly is detected
CGM1.0+--offlinenargs=2offline mode, need the subject name and the static c3d filename
CGM2.1+--forceLHJCnargs=3Force the position of the left hip joint centre to respect local position into the pelvic coordinate system
CGM2.1+--forceRHJCnargs=3Force the position of the right hip joint centre to respect local position into the pelvic coordinate system
CGM2.2 and 2.3--musculoSkeletalModel-msmenable Musculoskeletal computation
CGM2.3+--noIkdisbale kinematic fitting ( aka inverse kinematics)


Add the -h to the command (e.g. pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM1.0 Fitting -h) to know the input arguments of the CGM1.0 calibration process ( replace CGM1.0 for other CGM )

example 1

pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM1.0 Fitting -md 16 --proj Proximal --pointSuffix test

=> use 16mm marker diameter, project moment into the proximal coordinate system and add the suffix _test to model ouputs

This table resumes all available arguments across CGM

CGMlong optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
CGM1.0+--markerDiameter-mdfloatMarker diameter
CGM1.0+--pointSuffix-psstrSuffix of the model outputs
CGM1.0+--checkForce cgm version as model output suffix
CGM1.0+--anomalyException-aeRaise an exception if an anomaly is detected
CGM1.0+--offlinenargs=3offline mode, need the subject name and the gait c3d filename and the foot force plate assignment
CGM1.0+--frameInit-fiintinitial frame to process
CGM1.0+--frameEnd-feintlast frame to process
CGM1.0+--projstrReferential to project joint moment (choice : Distal,Proximal,Global (and JCS for CGM1.1+))
CGM2.2 and 2.3--musculoSkeletalModel-msmenable Musculoskeletal computation
CGM2.3+--accuracy-afloatinverse kinematic solver accuracy ()
CGM2.3+--noIkstore_truedisbale kinematic fitting ( aka inverse kinematics)


Depending your functional knee calibration method, type pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.6 2DOF -h) or pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.6 SARA -h to know the input arguments

pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.6 SARA -fi 300 -fe 600 --side Right

=> calibrate the right knee from frame 300 to 600

for both methods, the input arguments are

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--side-sstrbody side ( Left or Right)
--frameInit-fiintinitial frame to process
--frameEnd-feintlast frame to process


Zeni et al 2008 - gait event detection

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Events Zeni -fso 5

=> add an offset of 5 to all detected foot strike

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--footStrikeOffset-fsointsystematic foot strike offset on both side
--footOffOffset-foointsystematic foot off offset on both side


Spatio temporal plots

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots STP -ps test

=> build panel from spatiotemporal variables suffixed test

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--pointSuffix-psstrconsider model outputs with the given suffix

Kinematics and kinetics - Temporal plot

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots Kinematics Temporal -ps test
pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots Kinetics Temporal -ps test

=> build panel from model ouputs suffixed test

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--pointSuffix-psstrconsider model outputs with the given suffix

Kinematics and kinetics - Time-normalized and Comparison Panels

Time-normalized and Comparison panels share similar arguments

type NEXUS Plots Kinematics Normalized -h or NEXUS Plots Kinematics Comparison -h to know the input arguments ( idem with Kinetics)

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots Kinematics Normalized --consistency -ps test -nd Schwartz2008 -ndm VerySlow
pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots Kinematics Comparison --consistency -ps test -nd Schwartz2008 -ndm VerySlow

=> build kinematic panel from model ouputs suffixed test. the panel render all cycles rather the average and the std corridor. the panel also call the modality Very slow of the open normative dataset from Schwartz2008

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--consistency-creturn consistency trace ( ie all cycles)
--pointSuffix-psstrconsider model outputs with the given suffix
--normativeData-ndstrnormative Data set (Schwartz2008 or Pinzone2014)
--normativeDataModality-ndmstrif Schwartz2008 [VerySlow,Slow,Free,Fast,VeryFast] - if Pinzone2014 [CentreOne,CentreTwo]

EMG - Temporal plots

type NEXUS Plots EMG Temporal -h to know the input arguments

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots EMG Temporal --raw -bpf 200 400 

=> render non-rectified emg channels. The process applies a bandpass filter [200-400Hz]

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--BandpassFrequencies-bpfbandpass frequencies
--EnvelopLowpassFrequency-elfenvelop lowpass cutoff frequency
--raw-rreturn non-rectified values
--ignoreNormalActivity-inado not display normal activity area in the back ground

EMG - Time-normalized and Comparison Panels

type NEXUS Plots EMG Normalized -h or NEXUS Plots EMG Comparison -h to know the input arguments

pycgm2.exe NEXUS Plots EMG Normalized --consistency -bpf 200 400 -elp 8.9

=> render all cycles instead of the average and the std corridor. the process applies a bandpass filter [200-400Hz] and construct the emg envelop with a cut-off frequency of 8.9

long optionsshort optionsTypeDescription
--BandpassFrequencies-bpfbandpass frequencies
--EnvelopLowpassFrequency-elfenvelop lowpass cutoff frequency
--consistency-creturn consistency traces ( ie all cycles)