Contribute to pyCGM2

We hope this is a model that other people will want to use and would like to invite you to work with us.

fill the contact form if you want to contribute to:

  • Help with validation There are very few repeatability studies validating models in centres other than those in which the model was developed. We’d love to work with you if you are interested in setting one up. We’d be particularly keen to set up multi-centre studies.

  • Share data If people are using the same models then the data should be comparable and we want to build a repository of representative data of people with different conditions which can be used for a variety of purposes. At present it includes anonymised data from children with cerebral palsy demonstrating a range of different gait patterns. It is formatted within an Vicon Eclipse database hierarchy to faciliatate easy access through Nexus or Polygon software.

  • Share code If you implemented a program that would be worth to share with the community. We would be happy to include it into pyCGM2. We invite you to send us your code and a brief description so we inform readers through a blog post. As an example, we shared the Kalman filter-based gap filling method developped by Mickael Burke

  • Propose a case study we’d love to present pathological applications of our gait model. If you processed your data with our model and obtained interesting clinical interpretation, feel free to contact us.

  • the website content For a sake of clarity, you can ask us to improve some section of the website. Your feedback is welcome