Known issues

If you face with any issues , please report it through the github issue page


SSL error

with the conda command

You may face with SSL ERROR when you run conda.

You can deactivate SSL security.

For conda :

  • open the miniconda prompt
  • type conda config --set ssl_verify False.

SSL error with the pip install command

Under a secure proxy, the command pip install . may return an SSL warning.

To deactivate SSL checking, when you want to install a package with pip, add the following argument to your command : --trusted-host --trusted-host

for instance:

  • type pip install . --trusted-host --trusted-host

‘viconnexusapi’ installation failed

Administrator rights might be necessary. Open the miniconda console in admin mode.

The issue ModuleNotFoundError simply indicates you have not installed both vicon-made packages (‘viconnexusapi’ or ‘viconnexusutils’) within your python environment.

These packages are located in the folder C:\Program Files\Vicon\Nexus2.15\SDK\Win64\Python.

To fix this issue:

  • open your miniconda prompt
  • activate your environment (e.g conda activate pycgm39)
  • go to the folder C:\Program Files\Vicon\Nexus2.15\SDK\Win64\Python
  • type install_vicon_nexus_api.bat then install_vicon_nexus_utils.bat

this will install the packages in your site-packages folder (\Miniconda3\envs\(virtualEnvName)\Lib\site-packages)