Integrate a pyCGM2 command as a nexus pipeline operation

To integrate a pyCGM2 operation into a Vicon nexus pipeline, you need to insert a run python operation into your pipeline and configure it as follow :


  • switch to advanced mode
  • the python script file must target : CONDA_PATH/envs/pycgm39/Scripts/
  • place the input arguments in the script arguments text box. In this example, we want to calibrate our static trial with the CGM1.0
  • In Environment activation, you need to place the bat file that activate your virtual python environment -( here pycgm39).
    • create a new file named environmentActivation.bat and edit it with a text editor (e.g. notepad)
    • place into the file, the following content
    @echo off
    rem Set the path to your Miniconda installation directory
    set "CONDA_PATH=C:\Users\fleboeuf\Miniconda3"
    rem Set the name of your virtual environment
    set "ENV_NAME=pycgm39"
    call "%CONDA_PATH%\Scripts\activate.bat" %ENV_NAME%
    • edit CONDA_PATH and the appropriate virtual environment name ENV_NAME
    • save your file.

if you do not know where is CONDA_PATH, open a conda console and type conda info