Install pyCGM2

pyCGM2 is implemented for python 3.7 to python 3.11. installation was tested for Microsoft Windows 10.

This flowchart presents the different installation stages whether you are a Vicon or a QTM user.

flowchart LR id00[setup python] id0[create a virtual environment] id00-->id0 subgraph pyCGM2_Install id1[install pycgm2 from conda] subgraph developper direction TB id2[download source code] id3[install pyCGM2] end end id2-->id3 id1---|or|developper id0-->pyCGM2_Install subgraph ViconUser id4[install nexus API] end pyCGM2_Install-->ViconUser subgraph QTMUser id5[setup QTM project] end pyCGM2_Install-->QTMUser

create your virtual environment

Launch the anaconda prompt (miniconda), then, for creating a python 3.9 virtual environment, names pycgm39 , type the commands :

conda create --name pycgm39 python=3.9
conda activate pycgm39

the second line activate the pycgm39 environement

Find out more about virtual environment :

pyCGM2 Installation

A ready to install package is available in the pyCGM2 conda channel,

To install it, Launch the anaconda prompt (miniconda), type the commands :

conda activate pycgm39
conda install -c pycgm2 pycgm2

The former command installs the package in the folder PATH_TO_MINICONDA\envs\pycgm39\Lib\site-packages

developper mode

First, you need to download the pyCGM2 source code on your laptop. you have 2 options

  • download the last release , then unzipping it or
  • clone the github master branch with your subversion software (github desktop, sourceTree, …)

Launch the anaconda prompt (miniconda), type the commands :

conda activate pycgm39
conda install conda-forge::btk
conda install -c opensim-org opensim
pip install -e .

pip install -e . is used to install a Python package through pip in “editable” mode. The -e flag indicates that the package should be installed in a way that any changes made to its source code will immediately affect the installed version. The . (dot) signifies that the package to be installed is located in the current directory. This is especially useful for developers who want to test changes to a package without repeatedly reinstalling it

For vicon users - install the Nexus API

If you are a Vicon Nexus User, type the command below to enable interaction with Vicon Nexus

cd C:\Program Files\Vicon\Nexus2.15\SDK\Win64\Python


  • this commands may require to be run in administrator mode
  • installer only tested from nexus 2.15

For QTM users - setup a pyCGM2 project

pyCGM2-QTM interactions leverages from QTM scripting and is only available from pyCGM2 version 4.3-rc3. The implementation may be subject to modifications.

Here is the flowchart to configure pyCGM2 with QTM

flowchart LR id0[download/clone a pycgm2 QTM project] subgraph Configure_QTM id1[add event shortcuts] id2[configure c3d export] id3[enable pycgm2 menu] end id1-->id2-->id3 id0--->Configure_QTM

Download/clone a pycgm2 QTM project

Download or clone a pyCGM2 QTM project

Once install, you need to amend each bat file of the template folder

  • open the downloaded project folder in your file explorer
  • go to the folder Template
  • edit and change CONDA_PATH and ENV_NAME

if you do not know where is CONDA_PATH, open a conda console and type conda info


add event shorcuts

  • go to Tools/project options.
  • in the tree view, go to Miscellaneous/Events and add event shorcuts as described in this image


configure c3d export

  • go to Tools/project options.
  • in the tree view, go to Processing/C3d export and amend the settings to match those described in this image


enable pycgm2 menu

  • go to Tools/project options.
  • in the tree view, go to Miscellaneous/Scripting , add a script
  • add the script located in the folder pyCGM2\Apps\QtmApps\qtm-scripting\
  • tick the script and apply it


eventually, the pycgm2 menu will appear in the menu toolbar.