Change default CGM settings temporarly or permanantly

Before running any commands presented below, be sure your virtual python environment is activated. Type activate pycgm39

Default CGM settings are configured in the folder: CONDA_PATH/envs/ENV_NAME/Lib/site-packages/pyCGM2/Settings

Instead of to call the input arguments of the CGM commands, like, e.g for the CGM2.3

pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.3 Calibration
pycgm2.exe NEXUS CGM2.3 Fitting

an alternative is to place a the default CGM2_3-pyCGM2.settings settings file into the data folder.

you can do it :

Do it manually or through a command :

  • open a miniconda prompt
  • change your current directory to target the data folder
  • run the command
pycgm2.exe SETTINGS Edit -m CGM2.3
pycgm2.exe SETTINGS Edit --model CGM2.3

The command will place the CGM2_3-pyCGM2.settings file into your data folder so you can amend it.

For instance, you can disable the flat foot options in the calibration section

        Left: Hara #[string](choice: Hara only)
        Right: Hara
    Left flat foot: 0 #[integer](choice: 0 or 1)
    Right flat foot: 0
    Head flat : 0

You can also permanantly alter the default CGM settings.
Find and ammend the CGM2_3-pyCGM2.settings